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Week 3 Integrative Learning: Boosting Website Traffic

For this week, we were to think of ways to help boost our personal website traffic. We’ve all worked so hard in creating our websites and it would be sad to see all of our hard work not go anywhere or unseen by others. Some of the ways I am planning to boost my website are:

1-Social Media- as I post my website on all the social media platforms, I want to make sure I post about it during the optimal times. I will be sure to research these times and also make sure that my posts include some sort of visual content.

2-Blogging- as I work towards boosting my website, I will be sure to post blogs that will lead people to my site. One of the ways I will increase blog readers is to be sure and link out to relevant sources in and through my blog. As I do that, I can put others before me as I hopefully build trust with them with the hopes of them sharing my blogs.

3-Email distribution-the last way I plan on boosting my site is by monthly newsletters. In these newsletters, I will provide updates on projects I’ve been working on and show new content I’ve created. I will be sure to add my signature at the bottom of each email distribution, making sure it leads everyone back to my website.

Robbie Holder -
Husband, Dad & Video Editor
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