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Week 2: Writing Your Resume For the Gig

This week, my goal was to revise and update my resume with hopes of getting an 80% match on Jobscan. After the first couple scans I realized I was selling myself short on a lot of things. One of the first things was the wording I used. I had the right skills; I just didn’t word them correctly. For instance, I had the verbiage, “Employment History” and then learned I needed to change that to, “Professional Experience.” Another thing I had to do was add skills to my resume that I thought were less important. On my initial scan, I didn’t mention anything about my knowledge in lighting or sound. At first I didn’t think it was relevant to this posting, but then saw where I thought wrong and then added it to my resume. These scans really made me had to get creative, think outside the box and think twice on what I needed to put down. I didn’t want to purchase the monthly Jobscan subscription, so I only had 5 chances to get an 80. If I had one more chance, I know I would of accomplished that goal, but since I ran out of chances, my scan was a 72. I am happy with my updated resume and know it is very eye appealing and to the point.

Robbie Holder -
Husband, Dad & Video Editor
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