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Week 2 Integrative Learning: Why Your Resume Isn't Working

This week I was able to upload my resume into a program called JobScan. I was then able to scan and see how my current resume measured up against a job posting for a Video Producer Position at a company called Intrepid.

To my surprise, I had a 62% match rate for the job. What I liked about this scan is how easy it was to see the areas I need to improve on, or update on my resume. Overall, there were 5 categories this scan looked for. Those categories were: ATS Findings, Recruiter Findings, Skills Match, Format Checks, and Cover Letter Checks. Out of the 5 categories, the thing I really need to update and improve on are my Skills Match. On the scan I scored a 12/25 on. After seeing the breakdown of all the skills listed on the job posting, I was able to see where I worded things poorly, or should have used different wording on my resume to help give me a higher match score. I am definitely going to re-work my verbiage on my resume to help give me a higher skills match score. Another improvement I want to make is adding a cover letter. I didn't realize the importance of a cover letter until taking these classes, so I know that is another improvement I want to make as well.

Robbie Holder -
Husband, Dad & Video Editor
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