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Portfolio Site

In this activity I had to build a portfolio site for myself. I really had a great time doing this since it is something I have wanted to do for a while now.

I am proud of what I created because this site showcases who I am and what I’ve done. This is something I know I’ve needed to create and just haven’t done it until now. Moving forward, I will use this site as a digital business card, where people can view who I am and the work I have done. It is something I can update and keep fresh as new projects I work on are completed. The area of my portfolio site that I feel is the strongest are my videos. Right now my videos have been saved on hard drives, but now I have a place to showcase them. In my opinion, the area that needs the most work is adding a blog page. I need to have another reason for people to come back and visit my site. I just need to sit down and make myself do it because one of my passions is to mentor others and this blog will help start that. So my goals are to come up with 52 topics for a blog, set aside time each week to write on those topic and begin to share and write from my experience and the knowledge I ‘ve gained to start mentoring and teaching others.

Robbie Holder -
Husband, Dad & Video Editor
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