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DVA: RISE Peer Feedback

This week for our Peer Review, I had the privilege of reviewing Madison Lamb’s video. From the start of the video, it was clear that her subject was going to talk about cooking. The thing that stood out the most to me in her video was her B Roll. I liked her tight close up shots of him cutting the tomato and opening the fridge. After watching, I wondered if she meant to stay on her subject’s shirt at the end for the time of length she did. It was a great idea for a transition but it might work better if it was a little faster. Another thing I would like to suggest is trying to find a better picture of her subject when he was younger or try to focus that shot a little better when he talks of when he started cooking. Overall she did a good job on her video. Perhaps she could take one more look at the end of her video and try to make it a smoother closing that is not so abrupt, but again, great job on her project.

Robbie Holder -
Husband, Dad & Video Editor
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