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Week 4 Synthesis: Curating Through MCBS

I’ve been used to buying high quality pictures and using them for my projects that I’ve never stopped to search out any other options, more or less, free options. Since my employer wasn’t paying for the pictures for my projects this month, I was forced to do something “out the norm for me” and find some cheaper solutions. To my surprise, I found many websites that offer high-quality pictures that are free, and I was still able to make my projects look good without spending any money. Exploring these new websites saved me time in searching because they didn’t offer so many options. Sometimes to many options can be a bad thing so I was glad to save time in selecting my pictures and not have to sacrifice on the quality of them. I will definitely keep them and remember these websites for future projects. All the tools I have experienced in this class have been very beneficial and useful. The biggest curating habit I’ve developed over the course of this class is the use of Symbaloo. I can’t wait to show others how to use it and see how it will help them in there projects as well. Curating resources did enrich my MCBS experience this month. This is my 9th class I’ve taken so far in my MCBS program and it has been my favorite one so far. All the tools and resources were new to me and very useful and resourceful. This class reminded me again to always be intentional in creating. The articles were very good and re-iterated this as well. Less is more, and creating with intention will raise the bar of creativity.

Robbie Holder -
Husband, Dad & Video Editor
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