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Week 3 Project: Digital Storytelling with Mobile Apps Challenge

For our Digital Storytelling video, our team came together and had an overall good experience. Since all the members on our team have kids, we decided to do our project on cyber bullying. Another reason we chose this topic is because we all are in the MCBS program and wanted to stay in the vain of media communications and focus specifically on cyber bullying. We started the creative process by coming together on Google Hangouts where we collaborated and came up with our concept. From there we assigned who was going to do what and made the end result what you see.

Team Roles:

-Researcher: Nicole Dent

-Photographer: Juli Hawkins

-Audio Engineer: Robbie Holder

-Video Editor: Robbie Holder

This was the first time having to do a team project that I actually worked with my team. For some reason or another I’ve had bad experiences with team projects, until now. After our initial meeting, our brainstorming and our collaboration, I felt we had a solid game plan and everyone was clear on their roles and responsibilities. Using Google Hangouts really helped in keeping the communication going between all of us and I feel we came up with a great end result. Overall, this was a pleasant experience and I enjoyed it.

Robbie Holder -
Husband, Dad & Video Editor
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