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Week 3 Analysis: Businesses & Audiovisual Media

The Full Sail video is used as a recruitment tool because it shows the many possibilities a future student could have and experience. The video is very clear on explaining how Full Sail is a project based, deadline oriented school that allows students to put what they learn into action. To me, the story line of the video is that Full Sail is a project-driven school that promotes and uses Apple products. The video showed and explained how Full Sail’s media infrastructure is well equipped to handle the demand and workload of all their students. With project launch box, each student receives a brand new Apple computer to help them succeed in the classroom and beyond. The video makes the viewer want to attend Full Sail because they will receive there own Apple computer and be able to start learning and working on projects right away.

First of all, this video was non-appealing to me. The rude and crude approach that pushes the limits may sit well with some people, but not me. In my opinion the production value was low and the humor was not very humorous. The Dollar Shave Club used this video to announce their new product by going over the top with jokes and puns. Although this video crosses the line, it does keep the attention of the viewer. Not knowing what to expect next or what they are going to say, keeps the audience engaged to the very end. The story line is “all about poo” and really there is no other way to promote a butt wipe product without talking about our bodily stools. The story line kept referring back to poop and or using the bathroom. It was very clear on what the product was and what it was for.

Even though this video was really long and got old really quick, I think the Science World video tried to show the audience how big the museum is and that it’s fun for all ages. I think they tried to create a story in this video by taking the viewers on a tour of this museum. Many people may thing museum are quiet and boring so I think they were trying to portray that Science World is a fun and exciting museum. I kept wondering if the songs had anything to do with what we were seeing in the background of the museum, but I couldn’t make the connection.

Robbie Holder -
Husband, Dad & Video Editor
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