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Week 2 Analysis: Brands & The Human Connection/Curating 3

In the Dove Real Beauty Sketches, the target audience is woman. From the beginning you see woman coming and talking about themselves and then you see women describing other women. There is an emotional connection to this video because all woman would describe themselves to be less beautiful or less desirable than what they really are. The video makes the view start thinking about themselves and how they would describe their features if being asked to describe themselves.

The Dove Brand is all about skin. Taking care of your skin, loving your skin and being confident in your skin. To me, the content in this video gives an underlined, subliminal message to the Dove Brand about loving the skin you are in.

The use of the up close camera shots of the woman’s faces was very important in this video. Since they are talking about themselves and the features of what they look like, it was good to get up close. The music was very peaceful and somber which helped set the tone when the woman was talking. The music matched the insecurities and unsureness of themselves. You could not only see it but you could feel it and hear it. I liked at the end when the lady with the short hair described the difference in the two sketches. She could really see the difference and it really impacted her and how she needs to start viewing herself.

In today’s society, woman compare themselves to the magazines they see, and the woman portrayed on them. They think that if they don’t look like a magazine cover, they are not pretty enough or good enough and walk around with very low self-esteems. I believe this campaign achieved the success it did because it used every day woman and made the everyday viewer connect to it because they felt they were at the same level.

The data from this video says a lot about emotional videos and how they are successful when it comes to being shared and viewed. In a world of negativity, the simplicity of describing someone’s beauty can shift things to promote happiness and positivity. All it takes is one person to be emotionally connected to the video for them to then share it with another, and then another and then another.

As a media communications student, the biggest take-away for me to remember in approaching digital storytelling is authenticity. Being real. Finding real emotions and struggles that people face and then give the hope and truth in it.

Robbie Holder -
Husband, Dad & Video Editor
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