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Before I started the MCBS Program I thought I was content in staying where I was as a self-taught Video Editor/Media Director, and that I would continue on in this career with no professional education. My experience over the past 16 years in this field has gotten me where I’m at today, so I figured why change things?

I had always thought I wanted to attend school so I could learn new things and be able to stay on top of this face paced, ever changing world of Media and Technology.

But then life happened. I got married, had kids, moved across country, got a job and then next thing I know, I turned 40, and then 41.

And because of that, I thought it was too late for me to go to college. I thought my window of opportunity was gone. I let myself settle in being ok with what I taught myself in all these years and content with the fact of being employed as the Media Director for a church. Everything was going great, until I decided I was done with just going off of what I’ve learned and taught myself all these years.

Because of that, I knew I had to do something different in order to stay current and up to date with the Media industry. I wanted to step out and try a whole new approach to learning by actually enrolling into school and taking classes that actually meant something on paper.

Because of that, I started researching and searching online schools that had degree programs in the Media field.

Until finally I found Full Sail’s online Media Communication Bachelor’s degree program.

And ever since I decided to pursue my passion for media and increase the knowledge I’ve taught myself in over these 16 years, I can now look at this industry with a fresh pair of eyes and be excited for where this journey will take me in the future.

Robbie Holder -
Husband, Dad & Video Editor
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